How to get infinite bullets in Counter-Strike 1.6? After you dragged all skins, open CS 1.6/CZ.Open the downloaded skin file and drag the player skin to the folder where it belongs.Here you will see several folders with different names: Create the Steam folder "Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike\models\player" and open it.Download one of the Counter-Strike 1.6 packs/skins.

How to install Player Skins in Counter-Strike 1.6?

If you want a weapon and you do not have money, you just have to download the console and enter give_weapon_ + the name of the weapon you want: © Valve How to get weapons for Counter-Strike 1.6? Automatic viewfinder with Sniper rifle only: sv_aim.See and shoot through the walls: gl_zmax 0.See the frags of the other players: cl_hidefrags 0.See things bright without a flashlight: lambert -1.0001.Suicide: kill See the ghosts in observation mode: ghosts.Selection of skins: skin (name of the skins).Reveal how much time is left on the map: timeleft.Modify flashlight usage: mp_flashlight.Modify the friend shot: mp_friendlyfire.Modify the map briefing after loading new levels: dm.Arctic Sniper Rifle: givespaceweapon_awp.Disable viewfinder to zoom in: crosshair.Turn off the previous trick: sv_clienttrace 0000.

Faster backward motion: cl_backspeed 999.Activate the viewer in observation mode: cl_observercrosshair.Hit all shots: sv_clienttrace 999999999.Change your starting money in-game: mp_startmoney.© Valve What are the cheat codes for Counter-Strike 1.6?Īctivate the console with the º key (to the left of 1), and enter sv_cheats 1.